Presentations and talks
We arrange presentation meetings with invited speakers to provide an introduction and information on topics relating to climate change. These meetings will be advertised on this website and on our social media.
Coming up
Sign up to our social media to hear about the next one.
Project planning meetings for 2025
We also have monthly working meetings to plan our projects in more detail and to review progress.
If you would like to join any of our meetings, please contact us so that we can add you to the invitation list.
The working meetings are mostly on the first Tuesday of each month.
- Tuesday 7th January, 8pm, Windhill Churches Centre
- Tuesday 4th February, 8pm, private house, please contact us for details
- Tuesday 4th March, 8pm, Windhill Churches Centre
- Tuesday 1st April, 8pm, Windhill Churches Centre
- Tuesday 6th May 8pm, Windhill Churches Centre
- Tuesday 3rd June 8pm, Windhill Churches Centre
- Tuesday 1st July, 8pm, Windhill Churches Centre
- Tuesday 2nd September 8pm, Windhill Churches Centre
- Tuesday 7th October, 8pm, AGM, Windhill Churches Centre
- Tuesday 4th November, 8pm, Windhill Churches Centre
- Tuesday 2nd December, 8pm, Windhill Churches Centre
Past presentations
- Tuesday 24th May, ‘How to save energy – for the climate and to reduce costs‘
A talk by carbon reduction expert Chris Dunham.
Download presentation slides - Tuesday 22nd February, ‘Where Does Our Waste Go?’
Duncan Jones from the Herts Waste Partnership explained how waste is managed and how our recycling schemes work.
Download presentation slides
The Windhill Churches Centre is at Windhill, Bishop’s Stortford, CM23 2ND. From Windhill, walk through the Monastery Gardens, which are on the right-hand side of St. Michael’s Church. The Windhill Churches Centre is on the far side of the lawn. We have no vehicle access through the gardens.
Find it here on Google Streetview.