Climate Cafe

Bothered About the Climate Crisis?

Welcome to the Climate Cafe

What is a Climate Cafe?

Many people feel deeply concerned about the climate and ecological crisis which is becoming ever more evident with increasing temperatures, floods and droughts around the world. This crisis has profound implications for everything we hold dear, but is rarely reported on mainstream news outlets. The Climate Cafe movement was developed to offer a balance to this culture of denial; to provide a place to name and normalise often strong emotional responses which inevitably get pushed underground, sometimes with severe emotional consequences. By sharing with others our emotions can be respected, legitimised, and held in a community of like-minded people. The group is led by experienced facilitators.

Hertford Climate Cafe is on Facebook

Quaker Meeting Rooms, 50 Railway Street, Hertford SG14 1BA

Direction on google maps here

How to find us: Rail Stations: Hertford North, 1 mile; Hertford East, 1/4 mile. Bus station opposite.

The group meets monthly on the 1st Thursdays of the month at 7pm. Venues might vary. Participants are not expected to attend every meeting.

Any questions welcome: please contact Joe on