There will be elections for East Hertfordshire District Council and Bishop’s Stortford Town Council on 4th May 2023.
The Bishop’s Stortford Climate Group is asking candidates standing for election to East Herts District Council in May to give commitments to five climate and biodiversity objectives.
We would like to thank all the candidates for their responses, included here in full:
Alastair Ward-Booth (Thorley Manor) has responded on behalf of the Conservative candidates in Bishop’s Stortford
Liberal Demoncrats
Sarah Copley (North) and Bob Taylor (Central) have agreed to support our objectives, as listed below. We have received comments and feedback from Mione Goldspink (North), Calvin Horner (Parsonage), Miriam Swainston (North) and Martin Adams (All Saints).
Yvonne Estop-Wood (Central) has responded on behalf of the Labour candidates in Bishop’s Stortford
Mark Johnson (North) has responded on behalf of the Green candidate in Bishop’s Stortford that they would seek to implement all of our proposals.
Colin Woodward (Parsonage) has sent comments and feedback.
Our questions
EHDC has agreed a Climate Change Motion, which commits the Council to do everything it can in supporting the whole of East Herts District to become carbon neutral by 2030. Research by the Tyndall Centre shows that East Hertfordshire needs to achieve an average cut in carbon emissions from energy use of around 13.4% per year, through a rapid transition away from unabated fossil fuel use.
- If elected, will you call for EHDC to reaffirm its commitment to its Climate Change Motion, review progress towards its target and strengthen its policies?
EHDC needs to use its power as a local planning authority to drive area-wide net zero by 2030.
- If elected, will you push for EHDC to undertake and complete, within one year of the election, a partial update of the Local Plan (LPPU) to require all new developments to be net zero? And to require net zero for domestic extensions when homes are modified?
BSCG considers that the EHDC/Cityheart proposals for regeneration of the Old River Lane site are not in line with EHDC’s Climate Change motion. In particular, that demolishing the URC Hall and Charringtons House in favour of newly constructed buildings will result in significantly higher carbon emissions than refurbishing and reusing them.
- If elected, will you push for a full review of the project to regenerate the Old River Lane site, to engage the community and deliver new and exemplary proposals fully in line with the Council’s commitment to work towards carbon neutrality by 2030?
In addition to the climate crises, we are also facing a collapse in our biodiversity, with unprecedented declines in the populations of many insect species. The Herts and Middlesex Wildlife Trust are calling for at least 30% of our land to be connected and protected for nature’s recovery by 2030.
- If elected, will you commit to enhance the management of parks and green space for wildlife, to continue ‘No Mow May’, and to develop green corridors throughout East Herts?
There is increasing concern about the impacts of pesticides on human and environmental health. The use of pesticides is also contaminating natural resources in urban areas that are increasingly important for wildlife. A number of local authorities around the UK have already made a commitment to phase out pesticide use.
- If elected, will you follow the Pesticide Action Network UK three-year phase-out plan for pesticides?