
Thanks to Josh Dean MP for meeting with us on 1st November to talk about climate policies. We covered grid decarbonisation, solar PV, heat pumps, active travel, the Climate and Nature bill, and protecting local chalk streams.

What’s on

Tuesday 1st April, 8pm, Bishop’s Stortford

Monthly meeting

To review projects and future directions. Plans for a climate hustings before the County Council elections. Windhill Churches Centre, 1 Windhill, Bishop’s Stortford CM23 2ND

Thursday 3rd April 2025, 7pm-9pm, Hertford

Hertford Climate Cafe

Bothered About the Climate Crisis? We are joining with the Hertford Climate Cafe so most future meetings will be at the Quaker Meeting Rooms, 50 Railway Street, Hertford SG14 1BA. Some meetings may be in other locations so please check before setting out. More information

Please check on Facebook before setting out in case there are changes.

Saturday 5th April 2025, 10:30am to 12pm, Bishop’s Stortford

Climate Coffee

Join us for an informal coffee-shop chat on Saturday morning at the Terrace Park Cafe in Castle Park We’ll be there between 10:30 and 12 if you’d like to join us there. No serious agenda – just an opportunity for climate-related chat, and coffee.

Sunday 20th April 2025, 11:30am-1:30pm, River Stort

Grow Green Spaces

We’re gradually clearing the area behind the cinema to plant native shrubs and wildflowers. Come and join us to continue clearing the area in preparation for planting in the autumn. Bring a spade, fork, gloves and a drink. Some tools and lots of cake provided. More information

Date to be confirmed

Stortford Repair Cafe

The Stortford Repair Cafe, at the St Barnabas Centre, St James Church, Thorley, Bishop’s Stortford. More details at

Join us on social media

For regular updates about the group see our Facebook and Twitter accounts.

We also have an active discussion group on climate change an biodiversity issues. Please request to join.


Tuesday 24th May
How to save energy

How to save energy – for the climate and to reduce costs – by carbon reduction expert Chris Dunham.

Download presentation slides

Tuesday 22nd February
‘Where Does Our Waste Go?’

Duncan Jones from the Herts Waste Partnership explained how waste is managed and how our recycling schemes work

Download presentation slides


Heat pump open house – Wednesday 12th MarchGuided tour of Chris's retrofit house in Bishop's Stortford with an air-source heat pump. From 7:30pm. All welcome. Please book on See MoreSee Less
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More mulching dates! In January we planted 1500 new trees at Jenkins Lane. On Saturday 22nd March and also on Saturday 29th March, we will be adding mulch around them to keep down the grass and encourage stronger growth while they get established. 10am until about 12:30pm. Please let us know beforehand if you’re able to help. See MoreSee Less
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Passionate about climate action? East Herts Energy Hubs are looking for volunteers! 🙋‍♂️Hubs are run throughout the year at community events near you and engage with residents about the financial benefits of saving energy and carbon in the home. 🏡Funded training is available until Monday, 31 March. Find out more here: See MoreSee Less
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